Emma Kuypers and Let Me Out have launched a new partnership to combine their skills and experiences to offering innovative team development workshops across the whole of New Zealand focussing on key areas of need based on extensive market research. The workshops are interactive, thought provoking, deep learning sessions which foster fast learning on a team and individual level. The impact of the workshops is immediate and teams return to their workplaces fizzing with energy and equiped with the tools to put their learning into practice from the get go.
To celebrate this new initiative, here's a special launch offer for a limited time only.
We are living in a highly competitive and disruptive age where change is constant and high performing teams thrive. Getting to that stage needs courage, confidence and resilience and our workshops are all about creating a safe space for people to learn and grow into the best they can be through practice, suppport and inspiration.
Find the courage to overcome limitations
Purposefully Practice to improve skills fast
Visibly develop confidence
Feel empowered to perform at your best
Be inspired to make the changes that lead to better outcomes for you, your team and your business
Our fast paced world needs confident people to believe in themselves and adapt quickly. By the time your finish one of our workshops, they are going to feel empowered and ready to perform together, whatever the challenge.
Our workshops are like 'Learning Bees' where knowledge, capability and confidence develops quickly. The sessions are built around PP - Purposeful Practice - the more you practice, the quicker you learn and the more confident you become. We use the knowledge in the room to encourage sharing and co-learning. We use the people in the room to create energy and support for each other so that they feel safe to step outside their comfort zone where learning and growth happens. It's an inspiring place to be.
Participants leave the workshop with a toolkit of processes and methodologies that they can practice regularly so that the learning and development never stops.
The workshop theme can be any problem that needs solving in your business or organisation.
Our job is to delve deeply to identify the theme and need with you in advance, then tailor the workshop to up-skill and empower the participants to utilise their learning at work. Our most popular workshops are listed below
This engaging workshop is designed for individuals who are new to leadership or aspiring to take on leadership roles. We will explore how to develop self-awareness, understand behavioural styles, and apply foundational leadership skills to lead effectively. Participants will gain insight into their own strengths and areas for growth, while also learning essential tools to lead with confidence, communicate effectively, and build strong relationships. Additionally, we’ll dive into the art of courageous conversations, equipping participants with the tools to navigate difficult discussions with confidence and integrity.
Key elements:
The importance of self-awareness in leadership
Identify and understand different behavioural styles
Practical strategies for leading with empathy and emotional intelligence
Techniques for building trust and fostering collaboration within teams
How to communicate effectively and provide constructive feedback
How to approach courageous conversations: navigating tough talks with confidence
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Costs are based on number of participants, venue, catering and location.
Master couragous conversations with confidence. This workshop is designed with new and developing managers in mind. It starts outside with a mindful and purposeful walk to create connection and set the scene between participants. Along the way, the first questions are set, turning a casual stroll into a meaningful interaction, to spark rapport and demonstrate good asking practice.
What follows is a series of short, sharp insights that lead to tasks, actions and challenges and a heap of learning and reflection in a safe and supportive environment. The outcome is a new found sense of confidence and purpose that allows individuals to prepare for some of those difficult conversations that they would most likely have avoided in the past. The impact in the work environment is more openness and honesty to overcome challenges and hold conversations with anyone without fear, be that at work or at home.
Key elements:
The courage to ask
Best way to ask
Traits of customers and stakeholders
Handling pushback
The accidental ask
Setting personal ask goals
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Costs are based on number of participants, venue, catering and location.
Read the workshop case study here.
This workshop is designed to teach diverse teams how to brainstorm to develop ideas and solve problems in a hurry.
When there is no innovation department, everyone in the business or organisation can play a role in coming up with solutions and everyone is capable of contributing to the successful development and implementation of ideas, whether they think they are creative or not.
The secret lies in understanding the innovation process and working collaboratively through it to generate the best ideas your business has ever had.
Combining rules, behaviours, stimulus, insights, feedback and review in an easy to follow process, this workshop can be transformational.
Key elements:
Rules and behaviours of innovation
System and process
Defining the brief
Successful brainstorms
Iteration and development
Make it happen
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Costs are based on number of participants, venue, catering and location.
Imagine a team that has a deep understanding of the dynamics of team work and confident individuals who can slot into any team at any time regardless of skillset, circumstances or experience. This will be your team when you’ve gone through the Dynamics of Amazing Teams workshop with Let Me Out.
This is an interactive session where teams work and reflect on the dynamics they observed during mini challenges. Everyone is a leader but their style changes according to the circumstances. As they practice their teamwork skills, trust, connection, collaboration and success develop.
We also delve into personal development techniques to remove self doubt, self sabotage and limiting beliefs that hinder progress and success at work and in their personal lives.
Testimonial: “That was exactly what we needed to change the dynamics within our team. You are a wonderful facilitator and have a knack of being able to get even the toughest of characters to re-think their role and behaviour so that we can all work better together. We can’t wait to get you back in for a follow up session.” Emily P.
Elements include:
Rules and behaviours
Team work practice
Reflection and understanding
The 3 Leadership Styles
Personal Growth
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Costs are based on number of participants, venue, catering and location.
Our lives are ridiculously cluttered with pings, alerts, notifications and reminders. We're constantly looking at our phone to see who it is and what the message is. We're addicted to the barrage of digital signals that appear on our screen and even on our watches, all day long
This workshop is about planning how to switch that off until we are done with our core tasks, so that we become more productive by being less distracted. No wonder we go home every day thinking we've been so busy. What we've actually been is distracted and there are ways of re-setting the balance so that it doesn't feel like that any more. We'll also cover what living a balanced life looks like and how to create more time for self. This Personal Development session is designed to put you back in control and make life easier. You can read more about it here.
Key elements:
Practice Slow Productivity
More time for self - essential for balance
Walkie Talkie - sharing to learn and resolve issues
One percent improvements
Team improvements
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Costs are based on number of participants, venue, catering and location.
Read the workshop case study here.
Whether it's business, sport or social, team building is the essence of all great teams.
Putting time and effort into your people to create trust, connection, better communication and understanding, a strong sense of identity and belonging will re-pay your organisation in abundance.
Consistency is the key to success and in this team building workshop we'll demonstrate and equip you with the skills, plans and structures that make team building with your group a fun and rewarding activity on a regular basis.
Elements include:
Defining Your Culture
Breaking The Ice
Authentic Engagement
Quick Wins
Living Values
Celebrating Success
Plans and Structures
Enquire for a quote
Costs are based on number of participants, venue, catering and location.
Mental fatigue is, in part, a direct reflection of the pressures and stresses of our working environment. When you add in severe external disturbances like the recent global pandemic and the upheaval that had on our working lives and communities, the pressure is compounded and the outcome can be catastrophic unless we can balance the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual energy that makes us whole and happy.
When you invest in your staff's mental fitness, alongside their professional development, your business is optimised. Less stress means less time off work, more motivated and engaged staff, better decision making, better culture, less staff turnover and a healthier bottom line.
Below is a selection of activities and workshops developed specifically with company wellbeing in mind. We also combine personal wellbeing into all our professional development workshops. Our highly experienced and qualified practitioners are standing by to help.
Imagine if a few tips and tricks, practiced often, could help you and your team to manage the rollercoaster ride of the stresses of work and life. Understanding how the mind works and learning how you can take practical steps to manage your mental health at work at throughout your life is what this workshop is all about. Led by Mel Burdett, professional, credentialed Life & Career Coach (ACC ICF), Mindfulness Practitioner, certified Hatha Yoga Teacher, Hormone Yoga Therapist (IYTA).
A half day ebike or walking experience to recharge the batteries and put some balance into your busy lives. Creating time and space to 'walk and talk' in nature brings about a vast range of mental and physical benefits. When you do this with your team you're developing a deeper connection and understanding, building trust and empathy and actively working on being a better team. These are easy activities, suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, fully facilitated and guided by our senior practitioners. We can includes a healthy, nutritious picnic lunch or arrange for your end point to be at a cafe, restaurant or bar. There will be time to reflect and learn about the benefits of activity for your health and wellbeing too.
These activity can take place in Auckland, Wellington or Waiheke Island and other regions by arrangement.
Uplift your conference or corporate retreat with a calming, easy yoga practice under the professional guidance of Mel Burdett. Sessions will include two or three short vinyasas with mindfulness or breathing exercises in between. There's no better way to get prepared for a busy day ahead than with a clear head and relaxed body and through the session your team will learn the relevance of switching between high intensity activity and restfulness. These sessions can be delivered anywhere at a venue of your choice, by arrangement.
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