Slow Productivity Case study

workshop connection

Posted on May 10, 2024 by Delyth Morgan (Del).

Have you heard of the term slow productivity? It's a way of cutting out the noise so that every day is more productive.

Our working lives and even our private lives have become so busy, you'll often hear people say "I've been SO busy! I haven't got time for myself" But does it have to feel like that every day?

Slow productivity is about cutting out the noise that's around us every day - all the alerts from messages and emails, calls and pings - to focus on being productive.

Many of us have become conditioned to reaching for the phone whenever there's a new message or post, just to see who it is and what it is. The idea of slow productivity is to mute those distractions or, at the very least, train ourselves not to look at them or respond to them until we've completed the essential tasks that we set ourselves. Once those tasks have been completed, we can reply to the messages, calls and emails knowing that our day is already more productive than usual. What a great feeling!

In this short, personal development workshop we focus on slow productivity as one of the essential tools for a less busy, more sustainable life. Another element of the workshop includes a 'Walkie-Talkie' - just as it sounds, it's time to move and talk and share intentional moments with our colleagues, to learn from them, support them and develop a sense of trust and connection.

We'll also delve into a measurement of achievement and accomplishment and share tools and techniques that help to improve our overall level of satisfaction in the job that we do each day.

Walk and talk

Finally, before we finish, we'll go through some essential and effective re-set techniques that we can all use to bring ourselves back to the present moment, provide us with a sense of balance and learn how to give more time for ourselves.

While running this workshop we found that the majority of participants tend to put themselves last, they all felt that 'time for self' was lacking in their daily lives and that this missing component created an imbalance overall.


The need to slow down to speed up
Putting ourselves first is a positive action and essential for balance
Talking to someone else helps solve problems
Self improvement is a tiny shift in mindset and actions done every day
Small individual improvements super-charges the collective improvement

"Your session was amazing and every loved it. They are already feeling more productive and more balanced. Please come back and work with us on teamwork next"


If this feels like the type of workshop experience that could help your team, please get in touch for a chat and no obligation quote.

"Slow down and cut out the noise to be more productive. The noise can wait until you are ready." Delyth Morgan