About Let Me Out

Let Me Out Our Team

Let Me Out People

What is it that makes a Team Building company stand out? That draws people in and makes them feel so much better when they leave?

At Let Me Out, it's about uniquely different individuals who harness all of who they are to facilitate your challenges. Free spirits with a zest for life and learning.

They epitomise what Team Building is all about - developing trust, working on teamwork, communication and connectedness. They are out of the box people who create freshness, laughter and lasting impressions, leading you with confidence, whoever you are, and sharing their energy unfalteringly.

Without them, Let Me Out is nothing. But with them, the world feels like a better place.

Meet Some Of The Team

Chelsea Kingsford Business Manager at Let Me Out


Business Manager 

Chelsea is a bolt of lightening! If something needs doing, it’s already done. If there’s something that needs saying, it gets said, all with love and respect. Chels is developing our sister brand, Venyou and building lasting relationships with all our clients. She’s a veteran event organiser in Hospitality, Corporate Event Management and Venue Operations.

Delyth Morgan-Coghlan


Head Coach

Meet Del, founder and innovator. Del is ridiculously driven to make the impossible possible. Del is a former television presenter, international rugby player and senior high performance sport and corporate manager who is never happier than when challenged to think outside the square. Talk to her about business development workshops, major events, corporate retreats and innovation challenges.

Morgan Lorimer Lead facilitator at Let Me Out


Head  of Facilitation

Creativity meets organisation when Morgan’s about. A soul full of ideas and energy, she’s impossible to stop and why would you ever want to. She brings culture and kindness to leadership and embodies what all great facilitators need - an uncanny ability to get teams to try new things and leave their fear behind.

Emma Lead Facilitator at Let Me Out


Lead Facilitator

Emma is a powerhouse trainer and facilitator with the biggest, best smile and an inner calm that makes everyone feel at ease. She’s passionate about ‘How Good Can It Get!' and that’s right up our alley too.

Patrick archery facilitator at Let Me Out


Archery Lead

Our Dr in the making, Patrick is a calm head, a people person and our Lead Archery Facilitator. He’s impossible to put into a box - creative, confident, patient and resourceful. It feels like he’s been on this planet before. When he’s not at Let Me Out he is studying to be a doctor and will be one of the best!

Ainslie facilitator at Let Me Out



Loyalty is Ainslie's legacy. She grafted at the same company for two decades and brings that loyal essence to all that she does with teams at Let Me Out. Her sole purpose is to make a difference through corporate social responsibility, business ethics, change management and courage.

Our Mission

To spread Team Building and Team Development anywhere and everywhere.

To facilitate world class team building experiences for all types of groups to help them get better at working as a team.

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Some Of Our Customers

Dempsey Wood Civil
Angel Investors of New Zealand